Pelatihan Mikrokontroler Berbasis Arduino Bagi Siswa Mas Lubuk Malako

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Edwar Rosman
Karina Flomina
Miftahul Hasanah
Widya Febriani
Yori Adi Atma
Yulia Jihan Sy


Currently, knowledge of microcontrollers and Arduino is crucial to learn as a foundation for implementing automation systems in the field of technology. Introducing microcontrollers and Arduino to students at Private Islamic Senior High School (Madrasah Aliyah Swasta or MAS) Lubuk Malako will help them understand how technology operates and stimulate their interest in innovation. Arduino-based microcontroller training will provide students with the opportunity to develop technical skills, such as programming, electronics, and system design. These skills will be beneficial in various fields, including engineering, sciences, and related areas. Providing a foundational understanding of microcontrollers and Arduino will open up broader career opportunities in the technology world. Students interested in fields like engineering, robotics, IoT (Internet of Things), and related areas will greatly benefit from this training. This training activity encourages students to think creatively and innovatively. Through this training, it is hoped that students will have the chance to unleash their potential and creativity, and be better prepared to face the challenges of an increasingly technologically advanced world


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How to Cite
E. . Rosman, K. . Flomina, M. . Hasanah, W. Febriani, Y. . Adi Atma, and Y. . Jihan Sy, “Pelatihan Mikrokontroler Berbasis Arduino Bagi Siswa Mas Lubuk Malako”, Jiptek, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 31–34, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.62527/jiptek.1.2.6.

How to Cite

E. . Rosman, K. . Flomina, M. . Hasanah, W. Febriani, Y. . Adi Atma, and Y. . Jihan Sy, “Pelatihan Mikrokontroler Berbasis Arduino Bagi Siswa Mas Lubuk Malako”, Jiptek, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 31–34, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.62527/jiptek.1.2.6.