IT-Based Stunting Prevention at the Buah Hati Ibu Rawang Integrated Health Post, South Padang District

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Hidra Amnur
Andrew Kurniawan Vadreas
Muhammad Abbel Prasetya
Hanriyawan Adnan Mooduto


Posyandu is a forum that can help the government monitor the health of its people so that it helps the government in determining appropriate policies. One of the most important programs from Posyandu is preventing stunting in toddlers. Stunting is a disorder of growth and development in children due to chronic malnutrition which is characterized by their length or height below the standard set by the Minister of Health. The definition of stunting according to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is a toddler with a Z-Score value of less than -2.00 SD/standard deviation (stunted) and less than -3.00 SD (severely stunted). However, the manual process used in many Posyandu, including Posyandu Buah Hati Ibu in Rawang, Padang Selatan District, Padang City, is often time-consuming and prone to errors. This is a challenge for cadres in analyzing and reporting toddler data, which in turn hinders efforts to prevent stunting. Therefore, community service is needed by building a web-based Information Technology system that can facilitate the data collection process, automatic Z-Score calculations, and reporting results effectively and efficiently.


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