Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Data Administrasi Masyarakat melalui Aplikasi AppSIMDUK (Studi Kasus RT 2 RW 5 Kelurahan Koto Luar Pauh Padang)
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Rukun Tetangga (RT) is the smallest unit of government structure in Indonesia which is at the sub-district or village level. RT is an organisation responsible for providing services to the community at the local level. Each RT has duties and functions in terms of administration and services to residents in the surrounding environment. This community service activity attempts to implement the Village Government, Business and Financial Information System (AppSIMDUK) application in RT 2 RW 5 Koto Luar Subdistrict, Pauh Padang District. This activity is an endeavour to improve the local administration of community administrative data. Implementation methods include preliminary studies to understand requirements, application development, training and simulation of application use, implementation in the field, as well as monitoring and evaluation of activities. The results of this activity show that respondents, notably RT heads and appointed officers, gave positive responses to the use of the application. However, there are recommendations to provide additional training sessions or manuals to increase the efficacy of using the application. In addition, a number of respondents suggested aesthetic enhancements and the addition of community-related elements. Thus, the implementation of AppSIMDUK has the potential to improve the effectiveness of local government administration
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