Cybersecurity Awareness for Student SMKN 1 Denpasar
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The digital era has changed the way we live and work. The use of the internet and digital devices is increasingly widespread, including among school-age children. However, along with easy access, various cyber threats have also emerged such as hacking, online fraud, and the spread of negative content. It is from this background that the Community Service for the Implementation of Independent Community Science and Technology (PIMM) International was carried out between Indonesian universities, namely the Padang State Polytechnic (PNP) and the Bali State Polytechnic (PNB) with a Malaysian university, namely the National Defense University of Malaysia (UPNM). This activity was carried out on the island of Bali, precisely at SMKN1 Denpasar. SMKN 1 Denpasar, as a vocational high school, has students who will enter an increasingly digital workforce. Cybersecurity skills are very important to protect personal data, company assets, and prevent cyber attacks. Therefore, it is important to equip the younger generation with cybersecurity knowledge and skills from an early age. This community service program can make a significant contribution to increasing the awareness and cybersecurity skills of SMKN 1 Denpasar students. Thus, students can be better prepared to face challenges in the digital era and protect themselves from cyber threats
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